v1 UI Configs (Outdated)

Where can I find them?

All cards event configurations are saved in /plugin/FlipCard/ui folder.


Every FlipCard card flop UI configuration have its unique name. It likes example.yml. The name of card configuration determines the command arg <uiName> when you use the plugin's commands. Taking example.yml as an example, you need use /fc <PlayerName> example command to open its card flop UI.


All card configurations are composed of UI configuration and reward configuration.

UI Configuration

Open a card configurations, you will find the following section.

  slots: [9,11,13,15,17,36,38,40,42,44]
  title: "&9&lDungeon Complete Reward"
  time: 60
  timer: true
  display: true
  auto_close: true
  close_animal: true
  auto_claim_free_rewards: true
  total_max: 10
  • slots: Slots of the item representing the card. Only can be set to: [9,11,13,15,17,36,38,40,42,44] (10 cards) or [10,12,14,16,37,39,41,43] (8 cards).

  • title: Titles of the card flip UI.

  • time: Duration of the card flip. Players must claim cards in this time. ONLY take effect when the timer option is enabled.

  • timer: Enable or disable timer.

  • display: Allow or disallow player preview the card rewards. After preview the cards will be shuffled.

  • auto_close: Whether the flip UI will close after all cards have floped.

  • close_animal: Whether display close animal when auto close enabled and activated. In this animal, all cards will display its reward (however players wont get them) before UI closes.

  • auto_claim_free_rewards: Whether plugin will auto send all free type rewards to players after they close flip UI.

  • total_max: Total max flip limit for all cards in a flip UI. Default to -1, which means no limit.

Card Type Configuration

The following section are card type configurations. Each card type configureation mean one card type, not one card.

  # card_1's config
  # card_2's config
  # card_3's config

The detailed configuration is as follows:

  front: card2
  back: card3
  max: 4
  amount: 5
  name: "&dLucky Card - EPIC"
  - "You need cost %price% "
  - "to clip it."
    # Price config
    # Reward config
    # Condition config
  • front: Texture of unfliped card.

  • back: Texture of fliped card.

  • max: The max flip max times in a card flip event. It should be less than amount.

  • amount: Amount of this type of card. The combined value of all cards amount cannot be greater than the value set by the slot option. (For example, 10 slots = 10 cards)

  • name: Card display name.

  • lore: Card lore. Can use %price% to display its cost.

  • prices: Price config. For more details, please view below.

  • rewards: Reward config. For more details, please view below.

  • conditions: Condition config. For more details, please view below.

Price Configuration

If you want your players must cost some money to flip cards, this part will help you.

A card type can have unlimited price plan. Every plans have its ID number. All plan ID number should be a natural number starting from 1 and incrementing by 1.

    1: #Plan 1
      type: vault
      apply: [1,2]
      cost: [1500,2000]
    2: #Plan 2
      type: playerpoints
      apply: [2,3,4,5]
      cost: [10,20,30,40]
    3: #Plan 3
      type: item
      apply: [6,7,8]
      cost: [1,2]
      key: magicdiamond #NOT [magicdiamond]!!
  • type: Price type. For more info, please see below.

  • apply: Represent how many flips this price plan applies to in a card flip event. For example, apply: [1,2] represent this plan apply to player clip this type of card for the first time and second time in a card flip event.

  • cost: Represent how much money or item amounts are consumed. For example, cost: [1500,2000] represent player will cost $1500 to clip card for the first time and $2000 for the second time in a card flip event. If type set to free, this option is not required.

Please note cost should correspond to apply one by one.

FlipCard will intelligently push the best card price plan for players according to the cost.

Fox example, in the example configuration above, both Plan 1 and Plan 2 apply to the second time clip:

  • Plan with small ID number will be checked first.

  • If player have more than $2000(Vault) which plan 1 required, plan 1 will be used.

  • If player does not have enough money which plan 1 required, plan 2 will be used.

Free Price

  type: free
  apply: [1,2]

Vanilla Item Price

  type: vanilla
  apply: [1,2]
  cost: [1,2]
  material: STONE
  • material: The vanilla item material name.

Custom Items Price:

  type: item
  apply: [1,2]
  cost: [1,2]
  key: super_diamond
  • key: You can use /fc save <FileName> to save the items you are holding. The key option is the same as file name.

Vault Price:

  type: vault
  apply: [1,2]
  cost: [1500,2000]

PlayerPoints Price:

  type: playerpoints
  apply: [1,2]
  cost: [100,200]

GamePoints Price:

  type: gamepoints
  apply: [1,2]
  cost: [100,200]

Vanilla Levels Price:

  type: levels
  apply: [1,2]
  cost: [1,2]

Vanilla Exp Price:

  type: exp
  apply: [1,2]
  cost: [100,200]

ItemsAdder Price:

  type: itemsadder
  apply: [2,3]
  cost: [1,2]
  id: 'bow:vortex_bow_netherite'
  • id: ItemsAdder Item ID, must use 'namespace:id' form.

Oraxen Price:

  type: oraxen
  apply: [2,3]
  cost: [1,2]
  id: 'vortex_bow_netherite'
  • id: Oraxen Item ID.

MMOItems Price:

  type: mmoitems
  apply: [2,3]
  cost: [1,2]
  mi_type: MATERIAL
  mi_name: SILVER_INGOT
  • mi_type: MMOItems Type.

  • mi_name: MMOItems Item ID.

EcoItems Price:

  type: ecoitems
  apply: [2,3]
  cost: [1,2]
  id: 'armor_core'
  • id: EcoItems Item ID.

EcoArmor Price:

  type: ecoarmor
  apply: [2,3]
  cost: [1,2]
  id: angelic
  armor_slot: helmet
  • armor_slot: can set to BOOTS, CHESTPLATE, ELYTRA, HELMET, LEGGINGS. For example, in this example config, we set to HELMET.

  • id: EcoArmor set ID.

MythicMobs Price:

  type: mythicmobs
  apply: [2,3]
  cost: [1,2]
  id: SkeletonKingSword
  • id: MythicMobs Item ID.

Condition Configuration

Players must meet all of the conditions to flip the type of cards.

A card type can have unlimited conditions. Every conditions have its ID number. All plan ID number should be a natural number starting from 1 and incrementing by 1.

This part of configuration is optional, this means you can remove this if you don't need this feature.

      type: permission
      permission: 'test.test'
  • type: The type of the condition. For more info, please see below.

  • fail-message: If players can't meet the condition, the message he will receive. (Optional)

PlaceholderAPI Condition

  type: placeholder
  placeholder: '%player_points%'
  sign: '>='
  value: 50
  fail-message: "REQUIRE Level 3"
  • sign: Can be set to:

    • >=

    • <=

    • >

    • <

    • == (String)

    • = (Int)

    • *= (String) Contains, for example, str *= string is true, but example *= ple is false.

Permission Condition

 type: permision
 permission: 'test.test'

Reward Configuration

The rewards of the type of cards will be rowed out according to the reward plans in reward configuration it when the card flip UI is opened.

A card can have unlimited reward plan. Every plan have its ID number. All plan ID number should be a natural number starting from 1 and incrementing by 1.

    type: vanilla
    material: GOLDEN_APPLE
    amount: 1~5
    rate: 3
    edge: very_rare
    limit: 1
    announcement: "&a[FlipCard] %player% received &6%amount%-%display%"
  • type: The type of the reward. For more info, please see below.

  • amount: The amount of the reward. You can also entry in the form of "1~5" which means the amount is random in the interval.

  • rate: The weight of the reward. Real rate is this reward rate/all rewards total rate.

  • edge: The textures of reward edge. It can express rarity.

  • limit: The max limit of the reward in a card flip event. Set 1 means you can only get this reward once in a card flip event. (optional)

  • announcement: The message that server will send after player flip this card. (optional)

Vanilla Items Reward:

  type: vanilla
  material: GOLDEN_APPLE 
  #cmd: 10 (You can set CustomModelData by add this line in config)
  amount: 1~5
  rate: 3
  edge: very_rare
  • material: The vanilla item material name.

Custom Items Reward:

  type: item
  key: sword
  amount: 1
  rate: 1
  edge: very_rare
  • key: You can use /fc save <FileName> to save the items you are holding. The key option is the same as file name.

Command Reward:

Please note: Since 1.1.3 command reward can be used in other reward type, you can do this by adding command option to other reward type config.

  type: command
  - "eco give %player% 1000"
  - "say §6Player %player% received $1000"
  material: GOLD_NUGGET
  # material: SKULL
  # skull_meta: xxx
  times: 1~2
  display_name: "&6$1000"
  amount: 1
  - "×1000"
  rate: 5
  edge: common

times option is optional, and use to set the number of times the command executed, default is 1.

MMOItems Reward:

  type: mmoitems
  mi_type: MATERIAL
  mi_name: SILVER_INGOT
  amount: 3~7
  rate: 5
  edge: rare

ItemsAdder Reward:

  type: itemsadder
  id: vortex_bow_netherite
  amount: 1
  rate: 2
  edge: very_rare
  • id: ItemsAdder Item ID, must use 'namespace:id' form.

Oraxen Reward:

  type: oraxen
  id: vortex_bow_netherite
  amount: 1
  rate: 2
  edge: very_rare
  • id: Oraxen Item ID.

EcoItems Reward:

  type: ecoitems
  id: armor_core
  amount: 1
  rate: 2
  edge: very_rare
  • id: EcoItems Item ID.

EcoArmor Reward:

  type: ecoarmor
  id: angelic
  armor_slot: helmet
  amount: 1
  rate: 2
  edge: very_rare
  • armor_slot: can set to BOOTS, CHESTPLATE, ELYTRA, HELMET, LEGGINGS. For example, in this example config, we set to HELMET.

  • id: EcoArmor set ID.

MythicMobs Reward:

  type: mythicmobs
  id: SkeletonKingSword
  amount: 1
  rate: 2
  edge: very_rare
  • id: MythicMobs Item ID.

Last updated